Learn to authenticate your money

Did you know?

It would take 4,000 double folds, forwards and backwards to tear a banknote.
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Did you know?

Want to measure your notes in a different way? A stack of currency one mile high would contain more than 14.5 million banknotes.
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Did you know?

No matter the denomination, a banknote weights approximately 1 gram. Because there are 454 grams in one pound, this means there are 454 notes in one pound of currency.
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Noteworthy Podcast

Listen in on conversations about the history, use, and designs of Federal Reserve notes.

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Our Apps

Money Adventure

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Money Adventure is a fun, interactive smartphone and tablet app that helps students learn about the security and design features of Federal Reserve notes.

Cash Assist

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With Cash Assist's suite of tools, you can learn to quickly locate and understand the security features of the cash in your hands. Use your phone's camera, accelerometer, and more to help you make decisions.

Report a Counterfeit

Learn about the recent changes to the counterfeit reporting process.

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